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Village of Utica

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Annual Local Events

Local Events

Easter Egg Hunt

The Saturday before Easter the Utica Commercial Club hosts an Easter egg hunt for children toddler age to 4th grade. The hunt is held in the Pool Park on Iowa Street and begins at 1 pm.

Memorial Day

Each Memorial Day is celebrated at the cemetery. The American Legion displays the Avenue of Flags and presents a speaker. The public is invited and the program is a reminder of those who served our country.

Heritage Days

Every summer toward the end of July Utica area residents gather to celebrate. One family is chosen to represent the founding and contributions that family has made to the community. Activities include a car show, tractor show, craft fair, parade, kid’s games, softball tournaments and garage sales.

Ring In the Holidays

The Utica Senior Centers sponsors a Ring in the Holidays celebration in November. A few homes open their doors to the public to display their Christmas decorations and traditions. Hot cider and other goodies are available at the Senior Center.

Commercial Club Pancake Feed

The first Saturday in December the Utica Commercial Club thanks area residents for shopping and patronizing Utica businesses. They sponsor a free pancake feed and Santa Claus arrives to take requests from the children.

Other Local Events

There are several other local events throughout the year with dates that change from time to time. Please check the calendar on the website.

  • Boy Scout Pancake Feed – April
  • American Legion Auxiliary Soup Dinner – February
  • St. Paul Lutheran Church Lutheran Laymen’s League Pancake Feed – January
  • Senior Center Potato Bake – March, July and October
  • Centennial Student Council Blood Drives – November and March
  • Sunday Nite Sundaes – Monthly at the Senior Center
  • St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Soup Dinner – November
  • United Methodist Church Spaghetti Feed – November


